Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thanks Jeff!

Jeff Immelt gave a great talk today at the American Chamber of Commerce-
The key takeaways were:
  • The financial services industry is going to be more regulated so we have to learn to deal with that.
  • The government has moved in next door. There is going to be more interaction and interface with the government, so we had better get good at it.
  • Now is the time to go where the business is-not to sit back and gird waiting for the recession to end. Make sure you cover all your price points in all your areas.
  • The recession will end. If you take some risks now to go out and build some solid foundations for growth, your business will take off when the recession ends.
  • Green and Eco are good businesses-GE has profited from ecoimagination initiatives-and Walmart has taken a lead in reducing carbon. If Walmart does it, that means it can be done inexpensively and efficiently.
  • Don't get constipated-enjoy the ride-keep upbeat

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