Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Long Time No Blog

I wish I could say that I have been on a well deserved holiday in Bali, or pulling 16 hour days on a build up to an IPO...But I have just been kind of lazy.

Granted, drumming up new business has been time consuming, and I do spend a fair amount of time following livedoor's Horie Shacho romp through corporate Japan-who hasn't?

I enjoy the way this young guy has polarized parts of the media and business circles; there is a vague resemblance to a certain Shigeta san, president of a once high flying company called Hikari Tsushin in the way he was a darling while his company was "growing" and then went down in flames in a precursor to the Tech bubble.

People trying to get a meeting with Horie san tell me that his "handlers" are keeping him on a pretty tight leash, so hopefully things will go forward without a crash and burn. Everyday brings some new semi true comment from the tabloids; I wonder how many people inside livedoor are employed to keep up with it all?

It was not surprising to see William Pesek opining on Bloomberg that the former "punk M. Son" was now playing in the same sandbox as old corporate Japan-the corporate Japan that he "once took on." (In those days, Shigeta san was a "bad boy" as well) But corporate Japan 2005 is a far cry from corporate Japan 1996, and the financial architect of the growth from 1996 is a product of corporate Japan, Kitao CEO. We just don't see that Horie Shacho is being advised by investment bankers, too.

Ah, April brings us warm days and loads of fun at Roppongi Hills from livedoor!

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