Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Spooky Submarine....

A submarine was spotted south of Okinawa in Japan's territorial waters, and current speculation has it that the sub is from China. Now I don't know if the gang in the sub just took a wrong turn at Taiwan or if they had a hankering for Japanese shellfish, but the fact is, CHINA HAS NUCLEAR POWERED SUBMARINES and LAUNCHED A ROCKET, yet China is a huge recipient of Overseas Development Money. You know ODA, the money rich countries give less off countries to help them develop infrastructure, administer programs for the people, BUILD ROCKETS AND NUCLEAR SUBMARINES...Not.

Japan is particularly perturbed, since China is the second largest recipient of Japanese ODA cash, after Indonesia. Moreover, China in turn doles out ODA cash to other countries-ostensibly out of its own pocket!
Wrong, way wrong.

I have to wonder, when I see who gets the lion's share of ODA, what are the political motivations? Indonesia and Japan have always had an uneasy, mutually beneficial, under-the-table-business-allowed, kind of relationship. And what country is more vociferous that China when it comes to scolding Japan about what happened during the war? Hmmm, I won't say hush money, and you shouldn't either, but it does make one think...

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