Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Election

You didn't really expect me to comment on the election, now did you?
Let's just say that we are in sync with the coasts and the big cities when it comes to politicians...

It is sobering to know that you can garner nearly half the population of the US by taking the coasts and a couple progressive Midwestern states, yet still not gain the mandate of the country as a whole (i.e. the Heartland). Especially since I come from the heatland....

Does it seem to anyone else that this "moral" business is dividing a country that was formed on the premise of freedom of religion/speech etcetera...everyone in harmony...
I see a country that has completely forgotten it's real mandate; that of a place where one can worship one's religion in peace, and not worry about persuecution. Unfortunately GW Bush is not really aware of that.

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