Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Paper Bags as Fashion Statements-As if you didn't already know

Make sure you get the branded paper bag-those flimsy department store paper bags will NOT do-
Paper Bags as Fashion Statements - NYTimes.com
I have an economic activity measure I use: the shopping bag index. The range is usually 0 to 3 for the average number of shopping bags people have in the main shopping districts-not very scientific, I know. Just to clarify-re-used shopping bags do NOT count...
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Japan finally drops tax on subsidiary dividends

Joining the US and many European countries, Japan will drop the tax on dividends from consolidated subsidiaries, which should stimulate more corporate investment. Keep watching-there is a strong chance that newly available investment funds will start flowing to environmentally positive domains-alternative energy, fuel cells, solar technology, wind technology-all areas where Japan is a technological leader but lags in technology exploitation to business.
2009/08/16 01:30 - Corp Tax Change Seeks To Free Up Funds For Investment

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Micro-Bubble? A Global Surge in Tiny Loans Spurs Credit Bubble in a Slum - WSJ.com

Microfinance-the tiniest loans-turns into a Micro-Bubble
A Global Surge in Tiny Loans Spurs Credit Bubble in a Slum - WSJ.com
Sounds like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul...now who would even consider borrowing from one bank to pay another? Plenty of us-so it's not just a developed country disease, I guess.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Really? - The Claim - Some Dogs Look Like Their Owners - Question - NYTimes.com

This is quirky and goofy, but I couldn't resist. I see some pretty outrageous dog clothes in Tokyo, and I kind of doubt the dogs picked it out themselves!
Really? - The Claim - Some Dogs Look Like Their Owners - Question - NYTimes.com

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Sunday, August 09, 2009

This is a MUST read: Tokyo Underworld –before it gets to the Theater Near You! | Japan | Japan Travel | Nihon Sun

Tokyo Underworld – Coming to a Theater Near You! | Japan | Japan Travel | Nihon Sun
It is not only a different view of Japan, it is largely true-sure, some of the activities are a bit larger than life, but then again anything could have happened in those confusing days.
Non-Japanese who worked in non-mainstream areas lived a fairly insulated life-architects, gangsters, sports figures, entertainment figures. The connections between these exists to this day.
I had the unique opportunity to verify some of the contents of the book through a descendant of one of the leaders of a gang affiliated with Machii in the book-he said "anything is possible with those guys."
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